Friday 9 August 2013

Friday 9th August 2013, day 30 - Moose Tour booked

I'm going to the Rockies! Yay. I've booked myself onto a Moose tour. Moose is an adventure travel company for young people/backpackers, the Canadian equivalent of the company I did the trip in Ireland with. So I'll be going on my own but with a busload of other individuals. The one I've booked is a hop-on, hop-off minimum fifteen-day trip that goes across to Tofino and Victoria on Vancouver Island, then up to Whistler, then across to the Rockies. I leave this coming Wednesday, 14th August. That may seem soon, but after mid-September there are no trips until mid-May... and seeing as the Rocky Mountains are pretty much the reason I came to this country, I didn't want to wait until I'd been here for ten months before I go there.

The itinerary is here:

Now that says there's an overnight stop in Vancouver before heading up to Whistler. However the departure for Whistler for the 18th is fully booked, so from Saturday evening til Tuesday morning I'll stay in Vancouver before departing for the Rockies on the 20th, and will go to Whistler last. I could even go to Whistler after my two weeks Wwoofing, if I wanted to.

I've mentioned to a couple of people that there's another trip, a big MeetUp event, that I've been thinking of going on. I haven't told them where it is, though: I wanted to wait until it was booked and then surprise you all with "I'm going to Yellowstone!"

So yes, somebody on MeetUp is organising a six-day trip down to Yellowstone National Park - but now I don't think I'm going to go. After going to a meeting on Monday to discuss it and meet the other people going, the only reason I would go now is because it's cheap. Most of the time is spent travelling so we'd only have two days in the park. The tour company is a small Chinese one that isn't well-known and reputable, and the tour guides don't speak English. Also after meeting the handful of other people thinking of going, I'm not sure I'd be comfortable or enjoy spending six full days on a bus with them.

Most of you know how I hate spending money, but I realise now that this sort of thing is what I saved my money for. I'd rather spend twice the amount and go by myself in May, spend as much time in and around the park as I like, listen to expert local guides, do everything I want to do and have the best possible time. Unlike for the others going on the MeetUp trip, I can't drive down there in a couple of years and do what I want then. Maybe I'll meet one or two people between now and spring that I'd be happy to go with, too.


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