Wednesday 6 November 2013

Sunday 3rd November 2013, day 116 - Beach, Fawlty Towers and children's books

This isn't a particularly interesting post. I did nothing particularly interesting, but had quite a nice day so I'll write about it.

For breakfast I made pancakes. Not from scratch, although I need to try that one day. I have a packet-mix: just add water. I haven't made them in a couple of months - they always end up thick, heavy and burned, which will partly be because it's a wholemeal mix and partly because cooking American pancakes (aka Scotch pancakes or drop scones) is difficult.

I also read for a long while. The e-book I'm currently devouring on my Kindle is Anne of the Island, book three of the Green Gables series. Oh, I love them! I watched the late-80's miniseries last year and adored it, but I'd never read the books - so I'm doing that now. Anne of Green Gables is the fourth so-called children's book I've read in the last few years that I never did when I was actually a child. Upon reading it for the first time in early 2011, I wasn't particularly impressed with Alice in Wonderland, and didn't understand the hype, but perhaps a second perusal one day will change my mind. The Wind in the Willows, on the other hand, I absolutely loved. The Hobbit certainly has more of an air of a children's story than it's epic high fantasy sequel trilogy does, and I enjoyed it but not as much as the latter. There are several more so-called children's books on my extensive books-I-want-to-read list, but the idyllic, enchanting Avonlea has my attention for now :) If you've ever read it, and know me, I'm sure you won't have any difficulty understanding why I love Anne of Green Gables (and Wind in the Willows).

I have finally figured out how to change the settings so that iTunes will allow me to edit the song titles! so spent some of today doing that. I also thought about what I'd like to bake. I haven't baked in months and I need to. I even bought a cheap tiny plastic set of kitchen scales the other day because the majority of my recipes are measured by weight not volume, and there are no scales in this house.

I signed up for the Canadian version of Netflix a few days ago. I can't get the UK one here. Among the things I was very happy to find was Fawlty Towers :) Ian and I are getting through the episodes quite quickly - we watched three today, and there are only four left.

The most remarkable thing I did today was go to the beach. Not like one does in the summer, of course; it is November. I sat on a rock for half an hour. I'm only mentioning it and writing this post in the first place because, although it's only a five-minute walk away, it's the first time I've been there. It's small and quiet and, although not the prettiest beach, is a pleasant place to sit awhile looking out over English Bay.

To the left, about a kilometre west, is the marina of the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club at the near end of Jericho Beach. Slightly to the right as my eyes pan across, but further away and not actually part of English Bay, is Bowen Island, beyond which in the far distance are dark snow-topped mountains. Directly opposite, past the container ships and between Lighthouse Point and Grouse Mountain, is the North Shore and West Vancouver. Below said mountain, as I look at it, is Stanley Park, the maple trees on the western shore of which providing a faint splash of pretty colour in among the evergreen conifers. Finally, to the right and east, standing out against yet more shadowy, distant snow-dusted peaks, are the glassy skyscrapers of Downtown Vancouver, shining brightly in the low late-afternoon sun.

I'm very lucky to be living here.

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