Saturday 19 October 2013

Wednesday 9th October 2013, day 90 - Bear-watching boat trip

Ursus americanus vancouveri - Vancouver Island Black Bears - venture out at low tide onto the rocky beaches to forage for food. Thus bear-watching trips are best done at low tide, and on this particular day was scheduled for 9:30am; so Maxi and I said bye to Stephanie and Amy, who were leaving, and walked ten minutes to the dock.

The sun was still shining so the beautiful landscape - islands, mountains and unending rainforest - was visible clearly from the open top deck of the boat, as we made our way out from the harbour and up past the mud flats. We saw bald eagles, seals and glimpsed the dorsal fins of shy harbour porpoises, but it took a long time before we saw a bear: we had travelled pretty much as far as we could do with the time available. I would have been so disappointed if we'd seen none at all, but happily we saw two! We didn't get too close, the first one we saw was a few hundred metres away, but we were able to get about one hundred metres away from the second bear - still on the boat, of course. I'd completely forgotten to bring my little binoculars on the trip but the crew passed round theirs so everyone could have a closer look.

When back at the hostel for lunch we met our new dorm-roommate Adele, from Norfolk, then went back to the activity-booking centre. Maxi had booked to go kayaking the next day, but they need a minimum number of people to go and there wasn't that number so it would be cancelled. So she decided to go surfing instead, and we went to book that. Somewhat disappointed by the lack of bears we'd seen, she then suggested buying treats - crisps, cookies - at the supermarket and spending the rest of the afternoon watching a DVD in the hostel's TV room. "The Assassination of a High School President" is a bizarre film that we both soon wished we'd passed over in favour of The Wedding Crashers, but we watched all of it anyway and had chicken jambalaya for dinner.

I saw a bear! A real wild bear! Hehe! :D Magnificent.

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